Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forgiving your Judas!

He knows what has been done. But he goes on with his evening anyway, as if nothing is wrong. Nobody suspects.

He fills up this bowl of water, and he makes his way down the line. And finally, he gives us an example of one of the most beautiful, selfless acts ever to take place. He bends down, and washes the feet of Judas.

He knew.

Jesus knew before he even made his way to Judas that he had already been betrayed. What a searing pain when the person you love and trust, and spend all of your time with abandons you. We can't even imagine.

But Jesus did it. He wasn't angry. He didn't complain while washing the dirt off of Judas' feet. He didn't spit on them, or mumble under his breath.

I believe that Jesus thought about how much he loved Judas. How special Judas was to him. I believe that he had already forgiven him.

This is our example.

First, you need to pay attention. Jesus was not blind to the things that Judas had done. This was one of his very best friends. So... Watch out for your Judas! 

Second, at some point in your life, someone will betray you. When they do,  remember that Jesus didn't accuse. He didn't retaliate. He simply loved. And he forgave.

Keeping forgiveness from someone is like choosing to stay trapped in a jail cell of bitterness, serving time for someone else's crime!

God, I ask You to forgive _______ for whatever they may have said or done to come against me. Just as you have forgiven me of all my sins, wrongdoings, faults, and shortcomings, and as Jesus forgave all those who persecuted and crucified Him, as well as those who personally attacked Him, I know that I can forgive anyone who has come against me. I am not moved by what I see, by what others do to me or say about me, nor by how they treat me.  I don't hold a grudge or resentment against anyone, and I refuse to allow my flesh and carnal nature to dominate me. I will not be ruled by my emotions or feelings. I will not think evil of anyone, because my full trust is in God, not man. Thank you for helping me to forgive others and walk in love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!