Saturday, August 22, 2015

Throwing Stones at Josh Duggar

Got a controversial issue on my mind this morning. So while I post about it here, it isn't up for debate or discussion. Just food for thought.

Throwing Stones at Josh Duggar:

I do not condone such behavior as what has recently come out. In fact, if the show had been put back on the air today, I can't say that I would want to watch it.
BUT..... The problem here isn't Josh Duggar at all. It's the Christians....

 Most of you know the story about how the Pharisees brought a woman caught up in adultery and threw her at Jesus' feet declaring her sin and just waiting for Jesus to make a wrong move. See, it wasn't even so much about her sin. The Pharisees weren't really after her. They were after Jesus. They wanted him to make a wrong move so that they could condemn Him. Are you following me here?
So Jesus bends down and begins writing in the sand. I can't help but believe maybe he was writing things such as "unfaithfulness, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, hatred, judgment, etc..." in the sand. I wonder if he didn't write out the sins that the Pharisees were hiding in their own lives.
Then he stands up, looks them right in the eye, and says those powerful words that still pierce the heart of every Christian today; "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her."

One by one, the dropped their rocks and walked away.

Back to modern day.

Josh Duggar, caught in the very act of adultery. You know what I've seen in the last two days? Christians. Christians who are picking up their stones, piling them up in their arms, and throwing them as hard as they can at Josh because of his sin.
And you know what frustrates me about that? Do you have any idea who is watching?

Josh's babies.
 His wife.
His mother.

They all sit back and watch you pick up stones, desperately wanting to rescue him from such hatred. They want to help him be free. Truly free from sin. While some of you want to see him stoned to death. And they just sit there, helpless, and watch America tear him down and strip him of everything but shame.
Meanwhile, our Nation is falling to pieces, and God is being taken out of everything little by little. And Christians wonder why?! Why was prayer taken out of school? Why can't our children talk about God? Why are people being killed for their faith? Why, why, why?
You wanna know why?

It's not because of Josh Duggar.

It's because of the Christians who viciously pick up stones. Those who turn one man's sin into America's biggest controversial issue. The world wants nothing to do with Christianity, because they believe Christians are the most judgmental people to ever walk the Earth. And after the last couple of days, all I notice is that you are proving them right.
So, put down your stones. It's time to walk away. Help the man who is trapped in addiction, and love him back to Jesus. Until then, stop wondering why this world is "going to hell in a hand-basket."