Monday, June 3, 2013

I'd Like to Indroduce You To... Me.

I want to take just a moment to be real with you all. I am a firm believer that you have never seen a person as they truly are until you see them at their point of brokenness. When stress is built up, and life just plain hurts.
At this moment, I am broken. I hurt. And I am struggling. But I want all of you to see this side of me. Because when the good times pass, and the lights go down, and everyone is gone, this is who I am. And yet through all of it, through the hard times, through the pain, and everything that's wrong, I still want you to know, that at your darkest point in life, there is One on whom you can depend. And I promise you that He won't let you down. I know this, because on those dark days, like today, He wraps me in His arms.
Now, this is just one bad day. My life is not horrible. I am not depressed. But I know how it feels to be broken. And I have come to this surreal place, where, even when the world is crazy, and I feel like people have let me down, and everything that could go wrong, does, I can't be persuaded to give up. Because even through it all, I feel Him. And I want you to understand that no matter what you go through, He's there. When you smile, He's there. When you cry, He's there. When you feel like giving up, He's there. Even when you turn your back on Him, He's there.
So this is me... This is who I am. My name is Heather. And I am here to admit to you, that I do not live a perfect life. I do not have it all together. And I fail (and fall) almost daily. But despite all of my imperfections, I have a perfect God. And that's ALL that I need.

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